Chapter 1
1. A program I used to like when I was younger but now I really do not like is the Power Rangers. I used to love that show. I would stop whatever I was doing when that show came on. Well, as the show went on; lots of the original characters left and were replaced by others who I did not like. I finally gave up the show when the original blue ranger left. I was so upset because he was the last one and was my favorite. I guess it has helped shape who I am. I have always kind of liked being the hero, the guy with the pressure on him. I have usually tried to be the leader in things. Lots of the shows and stuff that I watched were action shows and I usually liked the “leader” of the group.
5. Some of the ways it has hurt people in traditional or native cultures is that they are not as educated. They do not know about what is going on the world as someone who has access to those things. They cannot go watch CNN or get online and look up the news. They fall away from what is popular at the time. They fall further and further behind the rest of the world technologically and could also fall behind even further economically. You could take the Amish as an example. Since they do not use electronics, they could not know about the things going on in the world. If a nuclear missile was coming towards the United States, they probably will not know about it until after it hits. While everyone else would be able to hear about it through television.
Chapter 2
2. I guess the most exciting thing about the internet’s future for me is the ability to connect with people. With more things available to allow you to stay in contact with people, the more amazing it gets. Things like Facebook and Skype are awesome. I have been able to stay in contact with so many people that I would not have had been able to without them. Also it will allow me to stay in contact with people who I would not be able to usually after college. It is exciting to see what the possibilities will be with technology getting better and better.
5. I think moving from a print-oriented Industrial Age to a digitally based Information Age could drastically impact individuals, communities, and nations. I think it could both raise and lower the education of individuals. People who do not have the money will not be able to pay for these things and can fall behind. By doing that, less high-tech companies may not want to move into their areas due to the fact that they are not as educated as other areas. That will affect communities and nations because it could create jobs but it could also make less jobs in some areas.
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